Term | Definition |
Operational Cost | Operational cost is the cost of running the business processes of Org. The traditional understanding of operations is that it excludes support services such as human resource management, procurement, finance, etc. In orgamatics we hold a different view. We see all repetitive activity as operational and all non-repetitive activity as strategic. Repetitive activity must produce efficient outputs, whilst non-repetitive activity must drive effective outcomes. Therefore, purpose, systems, processes, rules, and procedures run operational activity. In so, intent, programmes, and projects drive strategic activity. Operational cost is thus the cost of producing the outputs of Org. This includes all the repetitive activity of Org. Derek Hendrikz introduced the Construct-based Costing System in 2016 to turn programmes, projects, systems, and processes into cost centres.
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Operational Process Scorecard | An operational process scorecard is an orgamatics tool for assessing the core operational targets of Org. The process construct translates all its targets from bottom to top. This means that frontline processes targets are summarised through their parent process targets. All the targets are then summarised within their system as one systems target. We record all the systems targets in our strategy document as our core operational targets. In this we assume that if a system target is met, all the targets to that system are also met. The operational process scorecard is part of the strategic scorecard. Derek Hendrikz created the strategic scorecard system in 2010 to monitor the execution of strategy.
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Operational Risk Register | An operational risk register (ORR) is a register that keeps all the operational risks of Org. In orgamatics an operational risk is an incident that will threaten the systems and processes of Org. In other words, any threat to the repetitive activity of Org is an operational risk. We believe it is good practice to separate operational risks from strategic risks, since operational risks cycle, whilst strategic risks will disappear as we execute our strategy. We go further to state that operational risks must be subdivided into systems risks so that we can know which threats there are to our resources, relationships, intelligence, and core business. The resource-, relationship-, intelligence-, and core business systems should each have their own risk register. Jointly these risk registers will create an operational risk register.
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ORR; Operational Risks |
Operations | Operations the condition of functioning or being active. In orgtology we hold that operations are the sum of all repetitive activity within Org. Where repetitive activity organises itself through dependency and purpose, they become a process. We cluster the processes of Org that have the same purpose within systems. Derek Hendrikz poses that Org has four primary systems. These are the core business system; the resource system; the relationship system; and the orgtelligence system. Jointly these systems create all the operations of Org.
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OPPI Test | OPPI stands for Organamics Personality Preference Indicator test. Derek Hendrikz created the OPPI test in 2016 to determine how personality preference influences the ability of a person to be a relevant and performing individual. It measures four sets of dichotomies to create a four-coded personality preference. These dichotomies are: purpose and intent; focus and understanding; containment and innovation; and empowerment and influence. The outcome of this test is firstly that individuals should know what their strengths and weaknesses are in terms of becoming a relevant and performing individual. Secondly it should show what preference an individual has to perform and stay relevant.
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Org | In orgtology we use the acronym Org for the word Organisation. Org is a system of interdependent activity that has a collective purpose. It differs from a system in that Org has human presence. A system like the eco system needs no human intervention. Org is thus the collaboration of human minds and systems intelligence. One can see Org as a network of processes that link human minds. The key requirement for being an organisation is that it holds a collective purpose and shares a collective intent. According to its most commonly understood definition, an organization is the coordination of separate elements into a unit or structure, and the management of the relationship that exists between such elements. In orgamatics we advocate that one should understand an organization as a system, which is born through purpose, kept alive by energy and intelligence, and driven by intent. I therefore see it as a living organism. External sponsorship is the only way to secure organizational survival. Therefore, we must manage intent, energy, and intelligence optimally to ensure that Org stays purposeful to its external environment who needs to continue its sponsorship of the organization. Organizations take various forms, e.g. Private Business, Government Departments, Non-profit Organizations, Semi-Government Organizations, etc. In his “Anatomy of Org” model, Derek Hendrikz poses that all organisations have a similar anatomy.
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Organisation |
Orgamatics | Orgamatics is a study of the systematics of organisation. In other words, we study the algorithms of Org. Derek Hendrikz coined the term in 2016. In orgtology there are two arms of study. They are orgamatics and organamics. In orgamatics we study the flow of activity within Org. This activity flow creates the processes and projects of Org. We also study the outputs and outcomes that such flow delivers. Orgamatics has four core systems and base theories. There are also several tools. The core systems of orgamatics are the core business system; the resource system; the relationship system; and the intelligence system. The base theories are: Theory 2I of Orgtelligence; Theory 2E of Results; Theory 2P of Work; and Theory O of the RPO. Examples of fields that fall under orgamatics are risk; strategy; organisational design; performance management; cost management; talent management; process construct engineering; project construct engineering; relationship construct engineering; etc.
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Orgamatics Model | Where we apply the orgamatics theories and principles to a discipline or field of study, we use the words “- an orgamatics model” as prefix or suffix to a statement. E.g., if we base a strategy development workshop on orgamatics, we will describe it as: “Strategy Development – An Orgamatics Model”. In so, if we facilitate a strategy development process, we will describe it as: “An orgamatics model to strategy development”. In other words, when we refer to an orgamatics model, we mean that orgamatics orgamatics principles and theories drive what we do.
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Orgamatics Strategy | An orgamatics strategy is a strategy that we base on an orgamatics model. In other words, we apply orgamatics theories and principles when we develop a strategy. “Orgamatics strategy” is a short way of saying that.
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Organamics | Organamics is a study of the dynamics of Org. In other words, we study the human behaviour within Org. Derek Hendrikz coined the term in 2016. In orgtology there are two arms of study. They are orgamatics and organamics. In organamics we study how the paradigm, intelligence, and identity of people influence the activity, outputs, and outcomes of Org. Organamics has three core dynamics and four base theories. There are also several tools. The core dynamics of organamics are intrapersonal dynamics; team dynamics; and leadership dynamics. The base theories are: Theory Ix on Intelligence; Theory Px on Paradigm; Theory Sx on Identity; and Theory D of the RPI. Examples of fields that fall under organamics are communication; diversity; stress management; depression hardiness; strategic thinking; etc.
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Organogram | An organogram is an organizational chart that shows the structure of an organization and the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and its roles. With parts and roles, we refer to positions and jobs. An organogram is often called an organization chart, an org chart, an organigram(me), or an organisational structure. It is a diagram that shows the authority relationships within Org. In orgtology, an organogram is a practical arrangement to organise humans to execute a project construct and run a process construct.
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Organisational Structure; Role Structure |
Orgtelligence | Orgtelligence is the collective intelligence of an organisation. Derek Hendrikz coined the phrase in 2016. He defined orgtelligence as the sum of all implied and tacit intelligence within Org. In orgtology we view an organisation as an intelligent system that connects abstract thoughts within an algorithmic network. In simple terms, Org is a collaboration between systems and humans. Abstract thinking is tacit intellect and process intelligence is implied intelligence. Orgtelligence is the sum of both. In orgtology we hold that orgtelligence is far greater than artificial intelligence (AI) can ever be. Orgtelligence uses both AI and the irrational thinking of humans to ensure a relevant and performing organisation. When AI and humans work together, they create a formidable force that we call Org.
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Orgtelligence System | An orgtelligence system is one of the four systems of orgamatics. Derek Hendrikz poses that an organisation has four core systems. These are the core business system; the relationship system; the resource system; and the orgtelligence system. The orgtelligence system aims to create feedback loops within Org. Its task is to ensure a controlled EOP. In other words, it must minimise risk exposure, exploit opportunities, and maximise process efficiency. Areas that resort under the orgtelligence system are report processing; feasibility analysis; root cause analysis; research and development; transformation; risk assessment; and monitoring.
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Intelligence System; Business Intelligence System |
Orgtologist | An Orgtologist is a person who the International Orgtology Institute (IOI) has accredited to practice in orgtology. In other words, the IOI has assessed an Orgtologist and found that ze meets all their standards for practicing in orgtology. Derek Hendrikz coined the phrase in 2017. Orgtology is a scientific approach to understanding the dynamics and systematics of an organisation. It has two arms of study. The first is orgamatics, which studies the systematics of organisations. The second is organamics that study the dynamics of organisation. An Orgtologist is an expert in both. To begin training as an Orgtologist, one must have a recognised degree, after which the IOI will guide ze to do training and gain experience in the field. To stay certified, an Orgtologist must gain the CPD points as guided by the IOI.
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Practicing Orgtologist |
Orgtology | Orgtology studies the workplace systems and dynamics within an organisation. The word "orgtology" is a blend between "organisation" and the Greek word "-logy", meaning the science of organisation. Through the study of orgtology, an Orgtologist can help organisations to perform and stay relevant. Derek Hendrikz is the founder of Orgtology.
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Field of Orgtology |
Orgtology Specialist | An Orgtology Specialist is a person who meets all the standards of the IOI, and who the IOI has assessed and certified to work within the field of orgtology. To start one’s training as an Orgtology Specialist, one must have a recognised bachelor’s degree. The training includes online examinations and a research project. The IOI will also train and guide the trainee to gain experience in the field. To stay certified, a practitioner must gain the CPD points as guided by the IOI. An Orgtology Specialist can become an Orgtologist is ze publishes a paper in the field of orgtology in a recognised academic journal.
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Practicing Orgtology Specialist; International Practicing Orgtology Specialist |
Orgtology Student | An orgtology student is a person who has enrolled with the IOI training programme to become an orgtology practitioner. An orgtology student will have enhanced profile features and other benefits on the IOI webpage, www.orgtology.org, which normal registered members do not have. The IOI encourages that orgtology students gain practical experience through working on orgtology projects under supervision of a registered orgtology practitioner. During enrolment, the IOI will assign a registered orgtology practitioner as mentor to every orgtology student.
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Outcome | An outcome describes how something has turned out. In other words, an outcome is a consequence. We assess the effect of an event, activity, environment, subject, or object. Outcomes thus show effectiveness. E.g., to chop down a forest with engineering precision is an output. Whether it was the right forest or whether chopping down the forest was the right thing to do, is an outcome.
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Output | An output is the result of a process. It shows the produce at the end of an activity sequence. Unlike an outcome, an output does not judge the effectiveness of a result. E.g., a car is the output of a manufacturing process. Yet, this does not tell us if the car is something that consumers will be interested in. That is an outcome. In orgtology we measure outputs in terms of efficiency. In other words, the result must be greater than the effort. Orgtologist will always aim to reduce risk by making an output as predictable as possible.
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Outsourced Process | An outsourced process is where Org contracts an external party to execute a process. Providers run outsourced processes, but it is within the budget of Org. In orgtology, all processes are linked to systems. The aim of systems and processes are to maintain things. Collectively, all the systems and processes of Org creates its process construct. In turn, a process construct defines the operations of Org. We use classification or C-Keys to classify the activity of Org. This helps us to design a process construct for utmost efficiency. We use the C-Key, “oP” to classify and number an outsourced process. The C-Key is always followed by a number, e.g., oP3 (outsourced process number 3). In this way we specifically know what we work with.
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oP |
Outsourced Project | An outsourced project is where Org contracts an external party to execute a project. Providers run outsourced projects, but it is within the budget of Org. In orgtology, all projects are linked to strategic programmes. The aim of programmes and projects are to change things. The projects and programmes of Org creates its project construct. We use classification or C-Keys to classify the activity of Org. This helps us to design a project construct for utmost effectiveness. We use the C-Key, “Po” to classify and number an outsourced project. It is the inverse of an outsourced process number, which is oP. The C-Key is always followed by a number, e.g., Po 7 (outsourced project number 7). In this way we specifically know what we work with.
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Po |
Outsourced Task | An outsourced task is where Org contracts an external party to execute a task. Providers run outsourced tasks, but it is within the budget of Org. In orgtology, all processes and projects are made of tasks. The aim of a task is to get things done. We use classification or C-Keys to classify the activity of Org. This helps us to design process and project constructs for utmost efficiency and effectiveness. We use the C-Key, “oT” to classify and number an outsourced task. The C-Key is always followed by a number, e.g., oT 55 (outsourced task number 55). In this way we specifically know what we work with.
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oT |