Term | Definition |
Effectiveness | Effective means that what you produce and deliver, is relevant. Effective thus means that what you do has a favourable effect on those who use your product or service. The world regards successful people as being effective. Unlike efficiency, effectiveness has external focus. Effectiveness is about the result you produce. Intent drives effectiveness. In that, intent must be relevant. In business you are effective if your customers describe you so. A private hospital might offer effective childbirth by having a gynaecologist, a paediatrician, an anaesthetist, and four nurses available for the labour. This contradicts an efficient childbirth, where we would only have one doctor doing the work of four. It is often hard to create equilibrium between effectiveness and efficiency. To decide effectiveness, we must weigh Relevance against Outputs. In this Relevance will be the numerator and Outputs the denominator.
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Effect |
Efficiency | Efficiency is the ability to achieve a desired result without wasted energy or effort. Concepts usually associated with efficiency are “time-saving”, “work-saving”, and “un-wasteful”. To decide efficiency, we weigh Outputs against Inputs. In that, Outputs is the numerator and Inputs the denominator. The less energy we spend on work produced, the higher our efficiency. Efficiency mathematics will reduce energy waste but cannot ensure relevant functioning. E.g., we could chop down a forest with engineering precision and no wasted energy. Yet, our efficiency will not guarantee that we are chopping down the right forest. It is for this reason that we always measure efficiency against effectiveness. Efficiency drives Performance whilst effectiveness drives Relevance.
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Efficient; Process Efficiency; |
Empower | Empowerment is the process of giving authority or power to a person or group. A manager empowers Org by enabling it to function efficiently and effectively. This enablement can take up various forms, such as focusing the organization on its mission; containing tasks through strategy, structures, and policies; and investing into employees through training, development, and mentorship. Empowerment also takes the form of delegation, which is a process of letting go of power. All managers get their authority from organizational purpose. Therefore, purpose is the ultimate authority of Org.
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Empowerment; Enablement |
Endorsed Provider | An endorsed provider is a company that the IOI endorses to use orgtology methods, concepts, etc., for commercial use. In other words, an endorsed provider can make money from orgtology. The IOI has a strict endorsement policy and criteria. E.g., an entity that wants endorsement must have an Orgtologist on their payroll or within their directorship. Once endorsed, the IOI will allow the provider to list their orgtology products and services on www.orgtology.org The IOI will then promote these products and services. The IOI regulates the endorsement of providers in their policy and procedures on “Endorsement of products and services”.
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Endorse; Endorsement; |
Energy | To Org, energy is its people, money, and assets. In other words, the resources of Org are its energy. Energy is the strength and vitality that an entity needs for sustained activity. An entity derives its power from its energy. Without people, money, and assets, Org will not function properly, and in so increase its chances to become irrelevant.
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Resources |
EOP | EOP stands for risk Exposure, Opportunities, and Process efficiency. Exposure is the risk milieu that Org must face. Opportunities are the time, people, or set of conditions that can add value to Org. In terms of EOP processes, they are both concrete and abstract. The former are mechanical processes that will repeat with certainty and calculation; such as recruitment, accounting, etc. The latter has unpredictable dynamics, such as communication, conflict, etc. Derek Hendrikz coined the phrase “EOP” in 2017 to develop a model that can rectify the shortcomings of the well-known SWOT analysis. EOP is the main task of any person who manages or leads within Org. The task is: (1) Minimise the risk exposure of Org; (2) Exploit opportunities that will drive your intent; and (3) Ensure that your processes are efficient.
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EOP Analysis | An EOP analysis is a tool that we use to probe the state of risk Exposure; Opportunities; and Process inefficiencies within Org. Derek Hendrikz created the EOP analysis in 2017 to solve some of the conflicts that the known SWOT analysis has with orgamatics theory. The SWOT splits internal strengths and weaknesses from external opportunities and threats. In orgtology, this is an oversimplification of complex dynamics and algorithms that one cannot sperate by simply putting them into different boxes. Thus far the EOP Analysis has proven immensely meaningful in organisations that use it. SWOT is a quick fix to many who do not know how to decide strategic direction and objectives. The EOP Analysis is an overall organisational tool that drives conversations, decision, priority, strategy, and operations.
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EOP Model; EOP Questionnaire |
Equilibrium | In its most simplistic form, equilibrium is a state of balance and calmness. It is a state where opposing forces or influences are in balance. It is therefore a state within which we find the most tolerable stress level. In orgtology we find meaning in opposing forces, e.g., strategy and operations. They oppose each other since they draw from the same resource pool to do different things. One task of an Orgtologist is to find equilibrium. This is a spot of perfection between what it must do to stay relevant and what it must do to perform. We do not use the word balance, since balance mostly shows a state of equality. In equilibrium the aim is to find the weight that each part must have to make the whole meaningful. E.g., strategy might take 30% of your resources and operations 70%. If that is the best state for Org, then the way it spends its resources is in equilibrium.
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Balance |
Evolution | Evolution takes place when a system gradually develops into a more complex or advanced form. Different to revolution, evolution is a natural and non-conscious process. In other words, it happens without much conscious effort. Another significant difference between evolution and revolution is the speed at which they move. Intent drives revolution, and since it becomes irrelevant quickly, it must move at high velocity. Mostly a painstakingly slow process, the speed of evolution is highly dependent on the intelligence and energy that is has at its disposal. In our experience, systems that have the vibrant energy and efficient implied intelligence will evolve faster than systems that do not. On its opposing side, evolution has entropy. Entropy works in the same way and with the same rules, but towards the opposite direction. Evolution works towards order and entropy towards total disorder. In this opposing movement, they renew that which is relevant and remove that which is not.
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Evolve |
Explicit Intelligence | The word “explicit” derives from the word “explain”. When we talk of explicit intelligence, we imply that we can explain, record, transfer, and teach it. E.g., Tiger Woods knows how to hit a perfect golf shot. Yet, he can only teach and transfer this intelligence to others if he can explain and record it. Mostly, this is easier said than done. One of the aims of orgamatics is to reduce risk exposure by internalising intelligence into a process. But before we can do so, we must be able to explain such intelligence. This means that we must make it explicit. We use the symbol “Ie” to show explicit intelligence.
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Ie |
External Environment | In orgtology, an external environment is all the activity outside a system. In other words, an environment can be external to a process, project, division, or Org itself. We define an external environment through drawing the boundaries of our internal world. To human’s, ego defines an external environment. To Org, purpose defines it. We denote an external environment through the last letter of the Greek alphabet, omega (Ω).
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Ω; Omega; |
External Process | An external process is a process that Org needs, but that is not under its authority or budget. In other words, the process is beyond the “jurisdiction” of Org. An example is where a Central Bank needs government to change its laws so that it can secure financial stability. In this case it is in the direct interest of the Central Bank to get these laws changed. Yet, the process of changing the law is not in the hands of the Central Bank. To them it is an external process. In orgamatics we use classification or C-Keys to classify the activity of Org. This helps us to design a process construct at utmost efficiency. We use the C-Key, “eP” to classify an external process.
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eP |
External Project | An external project is a project that Org needs, but that is not under its authority or budget. In other words, the project is beyond the “jurisdiction” of Org. An example is where government launches a project to set up a foreign trade zone. The establishment of such zone is crucial to foreign investors. But they have no control over it. To them it is an external project. In orgamatics we use classification or C-Keys to classify the activity of Org. This helps us to design a project construct for utmost effectiveness. We use the C-Key, “Pe” to classify an external project.
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Pe |
External Task | An external task is a task that a project or process needs, but that is not under its authority or budget. In other words, the task is beyond the “jurisdiction” of a process or project. An example is where your government must announce an election date. This date is important for merchandise that you want to sell during the election. The task is in your project plan, but you have no control over it. To you it is an external task. In orgamatics we use classification or C-Keys to classify the activity of Org. This helps us to design a project and process construct for utmost efficiency and effectiveness. We use the C-Key, “eT” to classify an external task.
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eT |