
Orgtologist Certification Program (OCP)
The task of an executive team is to ensure performance and secure relevance. That is the bulk of their work. The word “orgtology” joins “organisation” with the Greek word “logy”. The science of organisation. It is a holistic way that helps us to drive relevant performance. This is one thing that business schools often lack to teach. The program is highly suitable for senior managers, directors, and executives.

The Orgtology Glossary

The orgtology glossary gives the jargon of orgtology with their definitions here. Following is an alphabetical list of terms and words that we use in orgtology, orgamatics, and organamics, with their explanations... 

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Term Definition
No Risk Indicator

A “no risk” incident is an incident that is unlikely to happen, and even if it does, it will have no impact. In orgtology, we do not spend energy on managing “no risk” incidents. Its only purpose is to give statistical meaning to other risks.


Author - Derek Hendrikz
Hits - 1170
Synonyms - NR