Derek Hendrikz

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Derek Hendrikz

Derek Hendrikz is the father of orgtology and its two disciplines, orgamatics and organamics. He is also the creator of Hypothesis 2x and its eight theories. These are Theory 2I of Orgtelligence; Theory 2P of Work; Theory 2E of Results; Theory D of the RPO; Theory Ix on Intelligence; Theory Px on Paradigm; Theory Sx on Identity; and Theory O on the RPO. As founding member of the International Orgtology Institute, he became the first Orgtologist. His company Derek Hendrikz Consulting exclusively specialises in orgtology services.


Author - Derek Hendrikz Consulting
Hits - 1340
Synonyms: Hendrikz; Hendrikz, D; CFT Hendrikz; Hendrikz, CFT; D Hendrikz;