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Term Definition

A C-key is an orgamatics tool that we use to classify activity within process and project construct engineering. The “C” in “C-key” stands for “Classification”. There are three types of C-keys. In process construct engineering we work with Task and Process C-keys. In project construct engineering we work with Task and Project C-Keys. A task means that we do it as it stands. There is are no other sequence of tasks within a task. A person in charge of a task is a task manager. An activity is a process if it has a sequence of activity that we must do. It is therefore a child process of the process that classifies it as a task. A person in charge of a process is a process manager. In project construct engineering, an activity is a project if it has a sequence of activity that we must do. That is a project inside a project. A person in charge of a project is a project leader. We notate C-keys in process and project briefs, as well as in project plans. Herewith a list of orgamatics C-keys:

  • iT Internal Task (task done by an employee)
  • oT Outsourced Task (we pay an external entity to do this task)
  • eT External Task (we do not pay for this task)
  • sT System Task (artificial intelligence does this task)
  • PF Process functionality (a condition or decision precedes this process task)
  • Pi Internal Project (employees run the project)
  • Po Outsourced Project (we pay an external entity to do the project)
  • Pe External Project (we do not pay for the project)
  • iP Internal Process (process within a system, run by employees)
  • siP Shared Internal Process (existing process that we share between systems)
  • oP Outsourced Process (process within a system, run by an external entity)
  • eP External Process (process outside our systems - that we need)


Author - Derek Hendrikz
Hits - 1321