
Orgtologist Certification Program (OCP)
The task of an executive team is to ensure performance and secure relevance. That is the bulk of their work. The word “orgtology” joins “organisation” with the Greek word “logy”. The science of organisation. It is a holistic way that helps us to drive relevant performance. This is one thing that business schools often lack to teach. The program is highly suitable for senior managers, directors, and executives.


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Term Definition

OPPI stands for Organamics Personality Preference Indicator test. Derek Hendrikz created the OPPI test in 2016 to determine how personality preference influences the ability of a person to be a relevant and performing individual. It measures four sets of dichotomies to create a four-coded personality preference. These dichotomies are: purpose and intent; focus and understanding; containment and innovation; and empowerment and influence. The outcome of this test is firstly that individuals should know what their strengths and weaknesses are in terms of becoming a relevant and performing individual. Secondly it should show what preference an individual has to perform and stay relevant.


Author - Derek Hendrikz Consulting
Hits - 1191