Term | Definition |
Ability to be Relevant | Org’s ability to be relevant is the sum of its human (tacit) intellect and intent measured against its purpose. We create intent through the 5V System. Tacit intellect is the intelligence of the humans who partake in the purpose of Org. Therefore, if Org has intelligent humans and well-defined intent, they have an ability to stay relevant.
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AtR |
Ability to Perform | Org’s ability to perform is the sum of its process (implied) intelligence and its resource strength measured against its purpose. Process intelligence are the algorithms that Org can run without human intervention. Resource strength is the quality and quantity of people, money, and assets that Org has to its disposal. Therefore, if Org is well resourced and has intelligent algorithms, it has an ability to perform.
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AtP |
Absolute Cost Weight | We use an absolute cost weight (ACW) to work with the efficiency of activity. It is the weight that the cost of a cost hub has to the overall cost of Org. A cost hub can be any part of Org, such as the sum of strategic initiative, the sum of operations, or the sum of any other part of Org. E.g., if the cost of all strategic initiative is 40% to the total budget of Org, then the absolute weight of such initiative will be “.40”, etc.
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Absolute Priority Weight | We use an absolute priority weight (APW) to work with the efficiency of activity. In orgamatics, Org has several systems. Each system holds several processes. In this process hierarchy, each process has a purpose, which we measure through targets. An absolute priority weight is the rank of a target within the entire organisation, measured as a weight. E.g., if Org has the sum of 67 targets, who collectively has a weight of 500 points, and a target of a process has the weight of “.30”, then we can find its APW by dividing it by 500. This will reduce the weight of such target to 6%. Its absolute priority weight is then “.06”, and this will show its rank within Org. Org thus becomes its priority hub. Other weights that relate to the absolute priority weight, are group priority weight (GPW) and priority weight (PW).
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Absolute Time Weight | We use the absolute time weight (ATW) to work with the efficiency of activity. It is the weight that the time of a time hub has to the overall time that we take to do things in Org. A time hub can be any part of Org, such as the sum of all the time that it takes to do our strategic initiative, to do our operations, or to do any other part of Org. E.g., if the time of all strategic initiative is 40% of the total time budget of Org, then the absolute weight of the time of our strategic initiative will be “.40”, etc. Other time weights that relate to absolute time weight are the group time weight (GTW) and time weight (TW).
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Abstract thought | Abstract thinking is the ability shift consciousness beyond a physical world. This happens when we think about objects, principles, and ideas that are not physically present. It includes symbolic thinking, which happens when we substitute a symbol for an object or idea. In orgtology we believe that abstract thoughts help us to create intent. This separates us from other animals. We can conceive and thus c. Abstract ideas disrupt physical processes. System cannot do this. In so, humans cannot run algorithms as precise as systems can. In so, humans and systems can create such a formidable force that we call Org.
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Abstract Thinking; Abstract Idea; Non-Physical; Symbolic Thinking |
Accreditation | Accreditation is the process of accrediting professionals. When the International Orgtology Institute (IOI) accredits an orgtology practitioner, they officially recognize such person as an orgtology professional. In this, the IOI acknowledges someone as qualified to perform orgtology services, deliver orgtology products, and/or develop such products or services. The IOI only has two types of accreditation. They are Orgtology Specialists and Orgtologists. The IOI also registers users on its site and enrols orgtology students. Further, the IOI endorses service providers and professional institutions. These are not accreditations; they are registrations and endorsements.
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Accredit; Orgtology Accreditation; Valid Accreditation |
Accredited Practitioners | The International Orgtology Institute (IOI) accredits two types of practitioners. The first is an Orgtology Specialist and the second an Orgtologist. These are professionals who practice in orgtology. The entry requirement for both is a recognised degree. Also, both must do extensive training with the IOI. When an orgtology student has done hir training, ze will hold the title of an Orgtology Specialist. To become an Orgtologist, the Orgtology Specialist must publish an article in a recognised Academic Journal. This will afford hir the title of Orgtologist. Therefore, an Orgtologist has higher academic acclaim than an Orgtology Specialist. Both are accredited orgtology practitioners. Also, both can partake in the development and delivery of orgtology products and services.
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Orgtology Practitioners; Orgtology Professional; Professional; Practitioner |
Activity | An activity is the doing of a task. Through activity we disrupt time and space. It creates consequence, which for Org is a result. The consequence of activity is an output that will induce an outcome (effect). Efficiency and effectiveness are not possible without activity. Orgtology has two arms. One is orgamatics where we deal with the algorithms of organisation. The second is organamics where we deal with the dynamics of organisation. Activity drives orgamatics whilst perception drives organamics. A sequence of activity holds the algorithm of any organisation. Through the placement of activity within time and space, Org creates its results. Activity is thus the core of orgamatics.
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Algorithm | In orgtology we use the terms “algorithm” and “process” synonymously. The term “algorithm” is mostly used in mathematics and computer science. It is an unambiguous specification of how to solve problems, perform calculations, do data processing, devise automated reasoning, and other tasks. In orgtology we see it as a set of rules that dictate the movement of activity to produce a predetermined output. We therefore see it as a process within Org. A process is any progressive movement towards a specific or general result. Process therefore directly implies causality, which means that there is always a cause that ignites an effect. In this “stimulus – response” relationship we must define several variables in relation to one another. Such variables are: dependency flow; time; task; authority; resources; outputs; targets; etc. A process implies transformation, and the result is always change at some level. Processes can be conscious or subconscious. Planning and corporate reengineering are conscious processes, whilst survival and evolution are subconscious processes. Any sequence of activity will create a process. Therefore, all projects and procedures are processes. Yet, not all processes are procedures or projects. All processes have a specific algorithm.
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Process |
Anatomy of Org Model | The anatomy of Org model shows a generic construct for all organisations. Derek Hendrikz created this model in 2001 to show that all organisations have the same construct. This is true for-profit, not-for-profit, and government institutions. The model consists of purpose (P), intent (T), intelligence (I), energy (e), a surrounding force of entropy (FOE), and an external environment (Ω). This model is a key influence to defining the relationship between relevance and performance. It also creates the core concepts for defining a Relevant and Performing Organisation (RPO). The RPO is an orgamatics construct. In this, the model drives all the orgtology theories and models that pertain to orgamatics.
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Anxiety-based Focus | Anxiety-based focus is a concept that forms part of a focus model that Derek Hendrikz created in 2013. The model shows how varied factors will shift the intensity of focus. With anxiety-based focus (AbF) external pressure forces urgent effort and tacit intellect. This means that there is a crisis that you must deal with. It happens when you must do something, cope with something, or when deadlines and goals drive you. Examples of AbF are not being able to pay bills, waking up and realising there is a housebreaker in your home, having a flat tyre in the middle of nowhere, having to work through the night to hand in a university assignment, engaging with office politics to secure your promotion, finishing a project on time, etc. It happens when you must apply your mind to a situation that an external entity created for you. In other words, it is something that you must think about and do to avoid an unpleasant situation.
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AbF |
Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence (AI) is intelligence that machines have. Machines are devises and mechanics that can perform basic to advanced algorithms. E.g., a calculator, a mobile device, laptop, or advanced systems that governments use. We sometimes refer to AI as machine intelligence.
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Machine Intelligence; AI |
Assumptions | An assumption is a supposition or a presupposition. It is a belief that an arguer uses as a starting point of logical proof. No theory or scientific experiment is possible without assumption. In fact, all human behaviour and thinking begins with assumption. Assumption becomes a fact if we can give it an algorithm that we can prove. For this we must explain a condition through mathematical reason. Up to that point an assumption is just a presupposition or a supposition. A presupposition is a prior condition for a theory that we hold as true. It is thus something that we must presuppose (a supposition) to work with a theory. In orgtology we have presuppositions on leadership, relevance, management, performance, and organizations. We base all the theories of orgtology on these assumptions.
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Presupposition; Supposition |
Authority | Authority is the official power given to somebody to take charge of something or of a situation. The organization gives authority to people to manage a specific organizational dimension, to run a process, or to complete a project. Authority is given and can therefore be taken away. It can be given for a specific period or for an undefined period. The concept is mostly associated with the management of Org. All organisational processes derive their authority from organisational purpose. In so, mission or purpose authorises what managers do. Therefore, the authority given by people to other people begins in purpose.
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