Term | Definition |
C-Key | A C-key is an orgamatics tool that we use to classify activity within process and project construct engineering. The “C” in “C-key” stands for “Classification”. There are three types of C-keys. In process construct engineering we work with Task and Process C-keys. In project construct engineering we work with Task and Project C-Keys. A task means that we do it as it stands. There is are no other sequence of tasks within a task. A person in charge of a task is a task manager. An activity is a process if it has a sequence of activity that we must do. It is therefore a child process of the process that classifies it as a task. A person in charge of a process is a process manager. In project construct engineering, an activity is a project if it has a sequence of activity that we must do. That is a project inside a project. A person in charge of a project is a project leader. We notate C-keys in process and project briefs, as well as in project plans. Herewith a list of orgamatics C-keys:
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Certification | In orgtology we use the term “certification” to denote that the International Orgtology Institute (IOI) has assessed an orgtology product or service and that they found it compliant. Where the IOI certifies a product or service, they will issue an orgtology certification number (OCN). The IOI will promote certified entities with their orgtology products and services on the official IOI web page. Learners will also receive credits for IOI certified training. They can redeem these credits at the IOI for continuous development (CPD) points or for credits in their training as Orgtologist.
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Orgtology Certification; Valid Certification; Certification; Certify; Certified Product or Service; Certification Number; IOI Certification Number |
Change | Change is what people do when they can no longer continue with what was relevant before. It is a conflict of awareness followed by renewed thinking. Change is revolutionary and transformation is evolutionary. Change is driven by leaders and transformation directed by managers. In organizational sense, change, if accepted, initiates a process of conversion or transformation. The purpose of change is to bring a new state of relevance to consciousness. For example, when the world began to question the relevance of kings and Queens, a new consciousness dawned. This conflict of awareness between what was and what should be (according to our new thinking), brought about a new and (hopefully) sanctioned awareness. This could cause the topplement of such royalty. To bring about a new reality, there must be a process of growth and evolution. Since there is currently no system that can claim eternal existence, we must constantly change (revolutionize) to stay relevant. We bring about organizational change through insight, innovation, and influence.
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Character | Character is the distinctive qualities of an entity. In humans’ character is the mental and moral qualities of a person. Character includes personality, nature, disposition, temperament, temper, mentality, turn of mind, psychology, psyche, constitution, makeup, make, stamp, mold, cast; etc. It can also refer to persona, person, role, part; dramatis personae, etc. In orgtology, we use the term “character” to denote the qualities, traits, attributes, and features for an entity. An entity could be an object or subject.
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Traits; Qualities; Attributes |
Child Process | A child process is a process that is born within a parent process. E.g., if your “night time” process for the night is to cook food, watch Game of Thrones, and then go to bed, then “cooking food” will create its own process flow. Therefore “cooking food” is a child process of the “night time” process. In orgamatics, we define the operations of Org through a process construct. In the process construct we have systems that each have several processes. Orgamatics hold that Org just has one process, but that we create a construct with a hierarchy of processes to make it comprehendible. One process with hundreds of activity and functionality is simply too difficult to follow for most. In so, Derek Hendrikz created the idea of “child processes” in 2006 to make a complex process construct more comprehendible.
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Coach | A coach is someone who develops a person or team to become better at what they do. In orgtology a manager is a coach by default. Its not a choice. As manager your task is to develop your team in such a way that they execute strategy effectively and run operations efficiently. A coach is always someone in an authority position. Unlike mentorship, a team cannot choose their coach. It is the prerogative of a coach to choose hir team. The coach’s task is to develop people with the goal of achieving organisational goals. The coach is also responsible and accountable for the performance of hir team.
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Coaching |
Collective Identity | Where people sanction a common purpose and express a common intent, they form a collective identity. All organisations are collective identities. Examples are culture, religion, corporations, governments, sports teams, etc. The level to which a its members sanction a collective identity depends on their loyalty. In turn, loyalty will depend on how strongly members identify with the purpose and intent of an organisation. Organizations spend millions every year to enhance organisational culture. This is an attempt to strengthen collective identity.
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Concept | A concept is a mental representation, abstract thought, or belief that we derive through cognition. We create concepts through mind. In other words, concepts originate beyond a physical realm. A concept takes physical form when we translate an idea to reality. In orgtology, the aim of concepts is to create models that become tools of application.
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Idea |
Consciousness | Consciousness is the level of awareness that an entity has. This awareness can be of the world around it, the world inside it, or its thoughts and emotions. In orgtology we work with consciousness of past and of future. In 2006 Derek Hendrikz introduced the idea of two types of consciousness. The first is consciousness of purpose (CoP) and the second is consciousness of intent (CoI). CoP helps Org to perfect the repetition of its past and CoI to create its future. Org exists between the two.
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Conscious; Awareness |
Consciousness of Intent | In 2006 Derek Hendrikz created the concept of Consciousness of Intent (CoI). It is an awareness of the future and an ability to make plans that will realise such future. In orgtology a vision statement and strategy are articulations of CoI. Strategic organisations and organisations who can stay relevant through difficult times has a strong CoI. Also, people who can anticipate and realise a future state has strong CoI.
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CoI |
Consciousness of Purpose | In 2006 Derek Hendrikz created the concept of Consciousness of Purpose (CoP). It is an awareness of the past and an ability to create efficient systems and processes. In orgtology a mission statement and operational plans are articulations of CoP. High performing organisations has a strong CoP. Also, efficient people have strong CoP.
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CoP |
Construct | The word “construct” can be both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it is a theory, concept, or model that came to be as result of systemic thought. It is subjective and not based on empirical evidence. As a noun Construct is a paradigm, which is a collective or individual model or frame of reference that forms the basis of thinking. Metaphorically, we can view a paradigm as the program that governs our thinking and the window through which we see the world. As with individuals, Org also has a paradigm. Any paradigm, be it individual or organizational has both defining factors and manifestations. Collective beliefs and values (not always overt) define an organizational paradigm. We bring our beliefs and values to consciousness when they become our perceptions and when we make our assumptions about them known. We show our paradigm through behaviour and attitude. In so, when thought turns to activity, a complete metamorphosis takes place. You cannot see or touch a paradigm. It is not tangible, but it does exist, therefore it is a construct. Evolution and learning are essential processes in the formation of construct. In orgamatics, the sequence of activity that an entity maps to achieve a result is the construct that such entity holds as true and real. In other words, in orgamatics, a construct is a process. This could be the process of an organisation who makes money, or the process of an employee who wants to learn, etc. As a verb, “to construct” means that we are creating something. In orgamatics, “to construct” means that we are instituting a process that will cycle. In other words, we are forming something permanent.
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Paradigm |
Construct-based Costing System | A construct-based costing system is when we turn our process- and project- constructs into cost centres. This means that our systems, processes, programmes, and projects become cost centres. The units and entities that partake in these processes and projects will extract their budget from there. In orgamatics, all systems with its processes and all programmes with its projects carry all the cost of Org.
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Constructive | An entity is constructive if it has or intends to have a useful or beneficial purpose. In orgamatics, it is when a process constantly evolves to its utmost point of efficiency. In other words, it is when we, without end and within context, adjust a construct to find its equilibrium. An evolving process is therefore a constructive process. If we refer to a person as constructive, we refer to someone who aids the evolution of a process. Something that is constructive shows that such a thing is evolving.
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Constructs of Org | In 2018, Derek Hendrikz introduced the three basic constructs of organisation. These are the project-, process-, and relationship- constructs of Org. We execute a strategy through programmes and projects. That is our project construct. We implement our operations through systems and processes. That is our process construct. We manage relationships through meaningful interaction. That is our relationship construct. Jointly, all that we do within Org falls within and between these constructs. The three constructs of Org are an orgamatics model that we use to organise the work, efficiency, and effectiveness of Org.
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Three Constructs of Org; Basic Constructs of Org |
Consultant | A consultant is a professional who gives expert advice within a specific field. The process of giving such advice is consulting. In orgtology a consultant is an Orgtologist or Orgtology Specialist who gives expert advice on orgtology. The process of giving such advice is orgtology consulting.
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Consulting |
Contain | Containment is the ability to keep things intact and under control. In 2006, Derek Hendrikz introduced Containment as a primary managerial function. In orgtology this is about controlling the work of Org through structures and divisions; defining organizational purpose and intent; creating change through strategy; maintaining operations through processes; restricting behaviour through policies, procedures & rules; etc. The word “contain” means “to hold”. Like a bottle of water, its not about the bottle but about the water. However, without the bottle, the water loses its intended meaning. Chaos results when containment is lost.
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Contained; Containment; |
Controlled Dependence | In 2017, Derek Hendrikz introduced an RPO maturity model. It aims to decide how mature Org is to be both Relevant and Performing. The model poses five levels of maturity. They are from level one to five: dependency; controlled dependency; independence; controlled independence; and interdependence. The difference between dependency and controlled dependency is that the variable alone is inconsistent, whilst when controlled, it is consistent. E.g., a construction team who sits in the sun and does nothing since the supervisor is sick, is dependent. But a military platoon who marches in perfect synchronicity to the commander’s orders has controlled dependency. The criteria for controlled dependence are:
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Controlled Dependence |
Controlled Independence | In 2017, Derek Hendrikz introduced an RPO maturity model. It aims to decide how mature Org is to be both Relevant and Performing. The model poses five levels of maturity. They are from level one to five: dependency; controlled dependency; independence; controlled independence; and interdependence. The criteria for controlled independence are:
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Core Organisational System | In 2018 Derek Hendrikz introduced four basic systems within any organisation. We use these systems as orgamatics tools. They are the core organisational system; the resource system; the relationships system; and the orgtelligence system. A system is a collection of processes that works towards the same purpose. All the operations of Org happen within the interdependence between these systems. The core organisational system holds the core business of Org. A core system defines all activity that drives organisational purpose. E.g., for a central bank it would be fostering price and financial stability and being a bank to government. For a mobile network it would be to make mobile connections between users possible.
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Core Business System; Core System; COS |
Cost | Cost is the monetary value that we use to produce a product or to deliver a service. In so, cost is a resource that we lose to create result. Cost includes the expense of people, money, and assets that we use to execute our strategy and implement our operations. In orgamatics, we measure cost in a cost hub. To grasp cost, we use a weighting system, in which we have a cost weight, a group cost weight, and an absolute cost weight.
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Cost Hub | A Cost Hub is the cost centre to which we charge the cost of our operations and strategy. In orgamatics we do not allot costs to an organogram (organisational structure). Instead we cost the project-, process-, and relationship- constructs of Org. We execute a strategy through programmes and projects. That is our project construct. We implement our operations through systems and processes. That is our process construct. We manage relationships through meaningful interaction. That is our relationship construct. In orgtology we must define a cost hub within these boundaries. E.g., we could create a strategic cost hub that will show the cost of our programmes and projects, or an operational cost hub that will show the cost of our systems and processes, or a stakeholder cost hub that will show the cost of our relationships. There are several ways in which we can create cost hubs within the boundaries of the three constructs of Org. We grasp the cost of a hub by giving it a weight, which we show as either an absolute cost weight, a group cost weight, or a single cost weight. A role structure (organogram) is accountable to the three constructs of Org, and it will extract its budget from there.
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Cost Centre; CH |
Cost Weight | A cost weight is the slice of budget that an activity, task,C, project, system, process, or a relationship dynamic will take. In Org, all activities happen in some form of a dependency sequence. This creates a flow that brings about a system; process; programme; project, or relationship dynamic. In orgamatics, the cost weight is the individual cost of these items as measured against a cost hub. E.g., if an activity consumes 59% of a process, then we will give a cost weighting of “.59”. This weight is therefore a ratio where we measure the cost of an activity (item cost) against the cost of a process (cost hub). We always calculate a cost weight within a cost hub. Other weights that relate to the cost weight are Absolute Cost Weight and Group Cost Weight.
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CW |
CPD Points | CPD stands for continuous professional development. Professional institutions such as societies, standard setting bodies, and other regulators all have the task to help their members to keep and acquire new and updated levels of knowledge, skills and ethical attitudes. This development must be of measurable benefit in their professional practice and enhance and promote their professional integrity. The International Orgtology Institute will require its Orgtologists and Orgtology Specialists to get CPD points on an annual basis. The IOI policy and procedures on the “Practice of Orgtology” explains how CPD points are earned and allocated. The same policy also holds a CPD table of credits that shows members how much CPD points they receive for what.
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Continuous Professional Development; Continuous Professional Development Points; |
Create | Creativity implies an ability to produce original and new ideas. More than this, creativity is the ability to create options where others see none and to rethink current paradigms where others see no need to do so. This ability directly implies the breaking of collectively accepted rules and norms; be it rules of art, rules of science, or general rules of thinking. Others often see creative people as rebellious and weird, but once their ideas are accepted, they are labelled as ingenious. In neurological terms, creativity is the ability to break with established neuro associations by creating new and sometimes unconventional neurological patterns. In orgtology, we advocate that creativity is one of two prerequisites to innovation. The other prerequisite is judgment. Even the most creative people on the planet must make definite decisions within their creative process, otherwise they will never complete that with which they are busy. Therefore, it is not possible for creative thinking to produce anything without judgment.
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Creative |
Critical Success Factor | A critical success factor (CSF) is an element that is necessary for a process or project to achieve its outputs or outcomes. It is thus a critical factor for ensuring the success of a company or an organization. In orgtology we use CSF’s to identify the risks of a project or process. Together with inherent risks, CSF’s should show all the uncertainties that any sequence of activity holds.
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Culture | Culture is the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a society. It holds a collective group memory of their achievement, ritual, and behaviour. It is thus a shared identity that a group created through repetitive endorsement of collective values and beliefs. Cultures often display these values and beliefs through symbols and rituals that they collectively hold.
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Customer | A customer is a stakeholder who directly uses the products or service of Org. Different schools have diverse opinions on this. In orgtology we hold that customers are the people or entities for whom the organisation exists. Often customers do not directly sponsor Org. E.g., Coca Cola gets no money directly from the users thereof. They get their money from retailers. Yet, they direct all their marketing at those who drink it. Therefore, the users, and not the retailers, are the customers of Coca Cola. Other stakeholders have an interest in the continuation of the business, but they do not use the products or service of Org. In orgamatics it gets more complex because the systems within Org will have different customers. E.g., within the resource system employees will be customers to Org, but in the core business system they will be stakeholders. It is thus difficult to classify the customers of Org. In so, Orgtologists are reluctant to separate internal from external customers, since all customers are external to a process or project.
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Cycle Time | Cycle time is the time that a process takes to cycle. In orgtology we distinguish processes from projects in that projects begin and end, whilst processes cycle. The aim of a process is to cycle, not to end. Every back loop in a process has a cycle time. Collectively they create duration of a process. By knowing the cycle times, we can plan repetitive work. When developing targets, we also aim to reduce inefficiency through studying back loops within processes. Through this process we decide which loops have a fixed time and which ones we can reduce. In so, we create operational efficiency.
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Back Loop |