
Orgtologist Certification Program (OCP)
The task of an executive team is to ensure performance and secure relevance. That is the bulk of their work. The word “orgtology” joins “organisation” with the Greek word “logy”. The science of organisation. It is a holistic way that helps us to drive relevant performance. This is one thing that business schools often lack to teach. The program is highly suitable for senior managers, directors, and executives.

The Orgtology Glossary

The orgtology glossary gives the jargon of orgtology with their definitions here. Following is an alphabetical list of terms and words that we use in orgtology, orgamatics, and organamics, with their explanations... 

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Term Definition
Hidden Identity

A hidden identity is something that an entity wants to hide about who or what it is. A person who has secret phantasies, a disease, or a preference that hir environment condemns, has a hidden identity. Any entity that has a need to hide a specific part of themselves has a hidden identity. It is different from a hidden agenda, which is an attempt to hide an intent or desire. A hidden identity is hiding something about who or what you are. In orgtology we do not condemn hidden identities. Rather, our aim is to understand the need or obligation to have it.


Author - Derek Hendrikz
Hits - 1682

Hir is a gender-neutral pronoun used as substitute for “him/her” or “his/her”. It is common practice for orgtology students to use “hir” in their research write-ups, since it is more efficient than writing “him/her” or “his/her”.


Author - Derek Hendrikz
Hits - 1349

Homeostasis is the tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements. In general, homeostasis is implicitly maintained in physiological processes. In orgtology we use it to grasp the interdependence between physical manifestations and thoughts. E.g., the natural equilibrium that Org will strive for between strategic thinking and operational processes. They are inverse, interdependent, and they draw from the same resource pool. The subconscious aim of interdependence is always to survive.


Author - Derek Hendrikz
Hits - 1509

A hub is a container of time, cost, or priority. In orgamatics, we often cluster various parts of Org into a group so that we can work with it in some way or another. Where the aim of such a group is to achieve efficiency, we call it a “Hub”. We use a Hub to contain three things. These are Time, Cost, and Priority. In that we bring about “Time Hubs”; “Cost Hubs”, and “Priority Hubs”. There is also the “Parent Hub”, which serves as a denominator to decide an efficiency ratio.


Author - Derek Hendrikz
Hits - 1197
Hypothesis 2x

Hypothesis 2x is the foundational assumption of orgtology. Derek Hendrikz Devised Hypothesis 2x in 2018. His aim was to give a foundational assumption to the eight theories of orgtology. In orgtology we hold that performance and relevance create an inverse duality. This duality enables organisations to exist. Performance is receptive and perfects a known past. It does so through translating purpose to efficient process. Relevance is projective and creates an unknown future. It does so through translating intent to effective strategy. Purpose enables performance and intent ensures relevance. They are dual because without one the other loses meaning. They are inverse because they draw from the same resource pool. The hypothesis is: If two organisations have the same purpose and intent, they will show different results because the algorithm that this binary creates will have to adjust to the unpredictable and irrational nature of the abstract dynamics that human minds create. E.g., we use operational targets to measure the processes that drive the purpose of Org. In so, we use strategy to achieve our intent. According to the hypothesis, abstract dynamics will change the results of similar companies. Even if their operations and strategy are the same, the results will still be different. They can have the same purpose and processes, intent, and strategy. They could hold the same resources and run within the same context. Yet, the humans that run them can never be the same. Human consciousness allows us to anticipate a future. This influences the way in which we survive. Therefore, we will always aim to negotiate the most favourable future position for ourselves. This dynamic will change any algorithm. In Hypothesis 2x, the “2” shows a relevance / performance duality, and “X” the unknown. “X” is the unpredictable element that will change the outcome of a duality. It makes things unique. In this hypothesis, the relevance / performance binary is the dependent variable. An abstract dynamic is the independent variable. We assume that such dynamic will change the result of the binary. When you add abstract dynamics to logical flow, you will get something unique. We refer to the “x” as an X-Factor. It is what makes organisations unique.


Author - Derek Hendrikz Consulting
Hits - 1375
Synonyms - Base hypothesis; Core Hypothesis of orgtology;