Term | Definition |
Identity | Identity is the boundaries that define and differentiate subsystems from one another. In humans, this experience explores all manifesting boundaries such as race, gender, age, physical features, etc. Identity also includes the reference systems or paradigm of a person. In orgtology, we use the term “construct” to describe a paradigm or reference system. This entail the beliefs, attitudes, and values according to which a person views the world and evaluates behaviour ideas and feelings. Worldviews, culture, race as well as individual and collective identity influences our paradigm. There are several types of identity. Every person has a fixed identity, which is hir race, gender, height, facial features, etc. Then there is collective or shared identity. These are the social groups, work place, religion, culture, etc., that a person chooses to belong to. There are also hidden identities. These are things that identifies a person, which ze would prefer to keep to hirself. Examples of this could be sexual preference, life threatening disease, mental disorder, etc.
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