
Orgtologist Certification Program (OCP)
The task of an executive team is to ensure performance and secure relevance. That is the bulk of their work. The word “orgtology” joins “organisation” with the Greek word “logy”. The science of organisation. It is a holistic way that helps us to drive relevant performance. This is one thing that business schools often lack to teach. The program is highly suitable for senior managers, directors, and executives.


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Term Definition

In orgtology, the purpose of management is to create order and facilitate performance. We derive the word manage from the Latin word ‘Manus’, meaning hand. To manage thus implies handling, or to handle. Traditionally, management functions included the planning, organizing, activating and controlling of organizational tasks. In 2000 Derek Hendrikz posed that the ultimate outcome of management is to focus, contain, and empower the purpose and systems of Org. managers are the pillars of organization. Where leaders ensure organizational relevance, managers direct and orchestrate organizational performance.


Author - Derek Hendrikz Consulting
Hits - 1615
Synonyms: Manage; Manager; Management Dynamics