Definitions and Acronyms

 OVN 0.1.

  1. Authority of this policy

  2. About Intellectual Property

  3. Ownership of Orgtology Intellectual Property
  4. Copyright

  5. Trademarks


  7. Contravention


1. Authority of Policy.

  • The goal of this policy is to make our stance clear on the use, ownership, and access of the intellectual property that we expose on the website

  • We aim to attain this goal through the five targets below:

    • We give broad guidance on the use and ownership of orgtology IP.

    • To regulate copyright for this website, and the articles posted therein.

    • To regulate the use of orgtology trademarks.

    • To regulate the downloading of intellectual property from this website.

    • To regulate any contravention of this policy.


2. About Intellectual Property.

  • Intellectual property rights include (without limitation) any and all rights; title and interest in and to (whether registered or not) any intellectual property; copyright; related rights; patents; utility models; trademarks; trade names; service marks; designs; know-how; trade secrets and inventions (whether patentable or not); goodwill; source code; meta tags; databases; text; content; graphics; icons; hyperlinks; and all other identical or similar intellectual property as may exist anywhere in the world and any applications for registration of such rights which are all as such protected by domestic and international legislation and treaties from infringement.

  • Downloads means any software; data; files; or content retrieved, viewed, or downloaded by you.Image result for blue go to the top symbol


3. Ownership of Orgtology Intellectual Property. 

  • The IOI does not own all the IP on orgtology that we list on this website. The IOI founder, Derek Hendrikz, and others who contributes to the OBoK, owns most of the IP.
  • It is our policy to protect all orgtology IP, provided that…

    • An owner reports hir orgtology IP to the IOI;

    • We have listed such IP on this website at the time of violation; and

    • That the IP was legitimately protected by a recognised law at the time of violation.

  • Where a practitioner or provider wants to use an orgtology trademark in another way than stipulated above, ze will have to get written permission from the trademark owner.Image result for blue go to the top symbol


4. Copyright.

  • The contents of the IOI website, including but not limited to its compilation and arrangement, is the exclusive property of the International Orgtology Institute; alternatively, the suppliers of content to the International Orgtology Institute, and accordingly remain protected by South African and International copyright and trademark laws.

  • Any person accessing this website, may only save for downloading, copies for their personal computers and solely for their private and non-commercial use, except where IOI policy explicitly states otherwise.

  • No person may copy, disseminate, distribute, advertise, publish, adapt, modify or in any way reproduce the contents of this website for commercial purposes, unless this notice and any disclaimer attached thereto is published in its entirety, or unless the permission of the International Orgtology Institute is obtained in writing.

  • With exception to our blog articles, all pages to this site, including articles and service information, is the sole property of the International Orgtology Institute, and any misuse thereof will lead to legal action.

  • The authors of IOI blog articles will retain copyright to their write-ups, on condition that no plagiarism was committed.Image result for blue go to the top symbol


5. Trademarks.

  • The IOI lists all orgtology trademarks on its official website, under the “About Us” menu tab.

  • Different stakeholders own the orgtology trademarks that the IOI lists on its site. This policy regulates the use of orgtology trademarks for all its owners.

  • No person may use the trademarks, logos, and symbols displayed on the IOI official website, however presented, including any combinations of any of the foregoing with another word or mark, in any form whatsoever without the written permission of its owners.
  • Accredited practitioners and endorsed providers may use orgtology trademarks without written permission on condition that...

    • They have a valid accreditation and/or endorsement with the IOI at the time of using the trademark;

    • That they use the trademark to explain their accreditation, endorsement, or certification, e.g., "Endorsed by the International Orgtology Institute";

    • That the trademark is used in context of delivering an orgtology product or service; or

    • That the trademark is used to market an orgtology product or service.

  • Where a practitioner or provider wants to use an orgtology trademark in another way than stipulated above, ze will have to get written permission from the trademark owner.

  • Where a practitioner uses an orgtology trademark in a blog article, ze must mark the trademark as either ™ or ®, depending on what the registration status of the trademark is at the time of posting the blog article. An author only has to mark the first word that relates to an orgtology trademark in hir blog article.Image result for blue go to the top symbol



  • We (or the appropriate third party) retain all intellectual property rights to downloads.

  • No person may, unless with our express consent or that of the third-party author:

    • Sell or otherwise transfer any downloads to any third party;

    • Appropriate the downloads in whole or in part for whatever purpose;

    • Decompile or reverse engineer the downloads, or reduce the downloads to any format other than the format in which they were delivered;

    • Incorporate the downloads into any other content for whatever purpose;

    • Remove any legal notices (copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights notices) in or on the service; or

    • Frame any portion of the web pages that are part of the service.Image result for blue go to the top symbol


7. Contravention.

  • Contravention of any of the above clauses will lead to legal action.

  • The IOI holds a “zero tolerance” policy towards the violation of intellectual property rights.Image result for blue go to the top symbol