Definitions and Acronyms
We do not define or list or explain any abbreviations, acronyms, symbols, abbreviations, words, or concepts in our policy statements. Instead we list all the orgtology abbreviations and definitions at one place on this site.
Click Here to view the full list or the orgtology abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols.
- Click Here to view a full list of all the orgtology definitions, concepts, and terms.
OVN 0.1.
General policy on the certification of OBoK products and services
- Delivery of orgtology products and services
Authority of this policy
The goal of this policy is to regulate the IOI Orgtology Body of Knowledge (OBoK) and the products and services that emanate from it.
To attain this goal, we aim to follow through on the five targets below:
We guide the development of our OBoK.
We regulate the creation of products and services that arise from our OBoK.
We guide the approval process of new products and services in the field of orgtology.
We regulate the marketing and sales of these products and services.
We regulate the execution of training; seminars; mentorship; coaching; and consultation in, and of, orgtology products and services.
The OBoK
The OBoK holds and arranges all knowledge of the IOI.
All knowledge that we create on orgtology, must stem from its nine theories. In this, orgtology has one core theory, which gives birth to eight base theories. They are four for orgamatics and four for organamics.
Where we develop an orgtology field, we follow one of four routes. They are:
General theoretical research, which will involve the core and base theories of orgtology;
Practical research in the systematics of Org, which will involve a study of orgamatics;
Practical research on the dynamics of Org, which will involve a study of organamics; or
Practical research on a mix of the above.
Where we advance a practical solution to the systematics of Org, it must either be an add-on to a current orgamatics system, or it must be the development of a new system.
Where we develop a practical solution to the dynamics of Org, we must either enhance the way that we grasp a current dynamic, or we must devise a solution for a new dynamic.
Where the IOI must prioritise the research assistance that they can give, they will give preference to cases where the researcher gave notice the IOI before ze commenced with hir research.
Where the researcher is new to the field of orgtology, the IOI will link hir up with an experienced Orgtologist.
The “Body of Knowledge” section on the IOI website will always reflect the latest developments in the OBoK.
General policy on the certification of OBoK products and services
In this policy, the IOI separates a provider from a practitioner. They have different prerequisites for registration, but they can be the same person.
The IOI will certify all products and services in the field of orgtology, on condition that a provider has met all the requirements as set out in the IOI policy.
The IOI will only accept an application to certify a new product or service, if…
It is in line with the OBoK.
An endorsed provider put forward the proposal.
Where an endorsed provider applies to certify a product or service, the IOI will insist that an accredited practitioner has worked with the provider to create such product or service.
Where a provider is not a practitioner, or does not have a practitioner on its payroll, it must team up with an accredited practitioner who can then supervise the design of the product or service.
Where there is a pact between a provider and a practitioner, the IOI will regard the deal between them as a private matter and will not interfere with that.
The IOI will only certify a product or service for 12- months, after which the provider must resubmit the same product and service for decision.
All applications must be online, via the IOI website.
Where the IOI approves a product or service, they will list such on their website with direct contact and information links to the provider.
Where a provider is not happy with an IOI decision, they may appeal against such via the IOI “Appeals Policy”.
Rules on the submission of products or services to the IOI
Where the IOI must certify a training programme, they will need the following information:
Name of the programme;
General description of the training;
Purpose of the training;
Main outcomes of the training; and
An outline of the training programme
Method of presentation;
Certified practitioners that will present the programme;
Where the IOI must certify a seminar, they will need the following information:
Name of the seminar;
General description of the seminar;
Purpose of the seminar; and
Main outcomes of the seminar.
Certified practitioners that has agreed to present the seminar;
Where the IOI must certify a coaching & mentoring programme, they will need the following information:
Where the IOI must certify a consulting service, they will need the following information:
Marketing and sales of orgtology products and services
Only an endorsed provider may market and sell orgtology products and services.
A provider must have a valid registration with the IOI at the time when they market and sell an orgtology product or service.
Where a practitioner wants to market and sell these products and services, ze must also register as a provider.
The IOI will list and promote all the products and services that they have certified.
Delivery of orgtology products and services
Only an accredited practitioner may give training workshops and seminars; do coaching and mentoring; or consult, in the field of orgtology.
The IOI must have accredited such a practitioner for the specific field or blend of fields that ze offers.
The registration of a practitioner must be valid at the time when ze effects an orgtology product or service.
Where a provider wants to execute these products and services, it must make use of an accredited practitioner.
Annexure A - Procedure 3-1: Accreditation of OBoK products and services
Make sure that a certified orgtology practitioner develops or supervises your product or service.
Submit an outline of your product or service to the IOI in the prescribed format.
The IOI will decide on whether to certify such product or service
Where the IOI does not certify the product or service, they will give feedback with recommendations.
Where the IOI does certify the product or service, they will notify the applicant with a certification number. They will also list such product or service on the IOI website with direct links to the provider.
Once the provider has received the certification number, they may use the IOI logo on their marketing material for that product or service. They may also mention that the IOI certifies that product or service.
One month prior to expiry, the IOI will ask the provider to resubmit the product or service. The provider will follow the same process as above.