Term | Definition |
Accredited Practitioners | The International Orgtology Institute (IOI) accredits two types of practitioners. The first is an Orgtology Specialist and the second an Orgtologist. These are professionals who practice in orgtology. The entry requirement for both is a recognised degree. Also, both must do extensive training with the IOI. When an orgtology student has done hir training, ze will hold the title of an Orgtology Specialist. To become an Orgtologist, the Orgtology Specialist must publish an article in a recognised Academic Journal. This will afford hir the title of Orgtologist. Therefore, an Orgtologist has higher academic acclaim than an Orgtology Specialist. Both are accredited orgtology practitioners. Also, both can partake in the development and delivery of orgtology products and services.
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Orgtology Practitioners; Orgtology Professional; Professional; Practitioner |