

  1. About the workshopbout the workshop

  2. The program

  3. Who should enrol?

  4. Delivery method

  5. Assessment and certification

  6. Accreditation

  7. Cost and dates

  8. Contact us 

  9. Enrol for the OCP

 Orgtology introduction course web


1. About the Workshop:

The task of an executive team is to ensure performance and secure relevance. That is the bulk of their work. The word “orgtology” joins “organisation” with the Greek word “logy”. The science of organisation. It is a holistic way that helps us to drive relevant performance. This is one thing that business schools often lack to teach. The program is highly suitable for senior managers, directors, and executives.

The OCP has four parts. They are: organisational science, organisational design, strategy, management and leadership. This is an advanced program. To enrol, you must hold a bachelor’s degree with three years of work experience. On completion, you can enrol as an Orgtologist with the International Orgtology Institute (IOI).


"In orgtology we study an organisation as a dual entity. In so, we see organisations as having both scientific and abstract parts. Also, they run on different rules. Operations must efficiently cycle production, delivery, and performance. This is the scientific part. It is about resources, activity, and outputs. Strategy must be effective in its intent and outcomes. This is the abstract part. It is about vision and ideas. Future leaders must know this difference. If not, they will become pawns to those who do."

Derek Hendrikz (Originator of Orgtology)
Derek Henderikz 03 2020 b


Orgtology gives an in-depth understanding of…

  • Organisational design that aligns with the fourth industrial revolution.
  • How to drive relevant performance – power strategy.
  • Why the ROET analysis is a safer choice than SWOT.
  • The difference between operational and strategic risk.
  • Cost control beyond the organigram.
  • Effective performance assessment without using KPI’s.
  • How to improve employee and stakeholder relations and value.
  • Next generation leadership skills for executives.



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2. The Program:

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3. Who should enrol? 

  • Any person who seeks a deeper understanding on running and transforming organisations.

  • It will be hugely beneficial for EXCO teams and Board members to attend. The content of this program, to a substantial extent, encapsulates the work of executives and senior managers.

  • For the same reason, it will be highly beneficial for managers from all levels to undergo the training.

  • HR Practitioners, project managers, OD consultants, strategy managers, process engineers, etc., are all positions that will greatly benefit from this program.

  • Any person who holds a recognised bachelor’s degree (or similar) and who has an interest to understand organisations.

  • The programme is highly suitable for applicants who hold MBA degrees, yet this is not a requirement.

Beyond MBA 

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4. Delivery Method:

We use live contact sessions (Zoom, MS Teams, etc.) and Facebook social learning groups for online learning.


Live sessions

  • We will run 25 live online discussions with tutor.
  • Each study group will jointly decide on the times and dates for the discussion groups.
  • There will be live discussions for the modules as well as sessions for discussing the practical examination.
  • There must be 60% attendance for certification.


Online Learning through FaceBook Social learning groups:

We use the FaceBook Social Learning groups platform since it gives a range of learning options whilst eradicating a registrations process. We control the access and learners can maximise their learning through advanced group interaction.


In the FB platform, each module will have the following contents:

  • Micro learning units.
  • Open forum group discussions with questions and answers platform.
  • Explanatory video clips.
  • Extra reading material.
  • Multiple choice quiz questions.

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5. Assessment and Certification:

To complete the Orgtology Certification Programme, a learner must:

  1. Work through all the learning units.
  2. Achieve 100% for all the learning unit quiz questions.
  3. Attend 60% of the online sessions.
  4. Submit four practical exam essays & reports according to the set criteria.



Practical Exam: 


1.  Organisational Science & theory.

Students must show comprehension of the philosophy and core hypothesis of orgtology. This will necessitate a good understanding of Hypothesis 2x and the theories that emanate from it. Each student will submit an essay which will be published by the International Orgtology Institute.

2. Organisational design and construct.

Students must show comprehension of what an organisation is, and how its basic construct works. Students will be divided into teams and then linked with a SME or start-up company. They will then use the IOI Quality Standards for "Organisational Design" to guide the SME in setting up their companies. Sutend will submit a team exam report, which will give them access to Module 3.

3. Organisational strategy.

Students must show comprehension of organisational strategy and how to develop it from an orgtology perspective. Students who have experience and training in strategy development often find this part of the OCP as “eye opening”. It is dissimilar to traditional methods since it presents a more scientific approach. As with Module 2, students will be divided into teams and then linked with a SME or start-up company. They will then use the IOI Quality Standards for "Strategy Development" to guide the SME in setting up their companies. Sutend will submit a team exam report, which will give them access to Module 3.

4. Executive Leadership.

Students must show comprehension of leadership from an orgtology perspective. From this perspective, we relate leadership to relevance, whilst we relate management to performance. The approach is thus quite distinct from traditional leadership teachings. Each student will engage a manager in a coaching assignment and submit a guided exam report on completion of the coaching project. Through this Module students will conplete the OCP.


On completion, Orgtelligence Solutions will issue the successful candidate with a certificate of achievement. Students can use this certificate to register as an Orgtologist with the International Orgtology Institute.

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6. Accreditation:

The Orgtologist Certification Programme is a pre-requisite to register as an Orgtologist with the International Orgtology Institute (IOI).

The IOI fully accredits this course and recognises the OCP as a post-graduate programme.

Registered Orgtologist will receive the following membership benefits:

  • Licence to practice as an Orgtologist.
  • Use of the professional title “Orgtologist”.
  • Free listing and regular referrals through the Orgtologist Directory.
  • Access to international consulting opportunities.
  • Free online magazine - “Orgtology Talk”.
  • Access to interactive discussion platform where members can discuss orgtology applications.
  • Free access to all IOI CPD accredited webinars
  • Reduced fees for IOI approved workshops.
  • Reduced fees for the annual International Orgtology Congress.
  • Ethics Committee advice and resolution of issues
  • International networking activities & opportunities.
Orgtology Logo 03 

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7. Cost and Dates:

  • Cost of the full 12-month online program (valid until June 2023):

    • SADC students: 19 550 ZAR
    • International students: 2000 USD
  • Each intake can register a maximum of 20 students.


Intake:  Starting: Ending: Status:
 OCP 1/2021  01 March 2021  15 February 2022 Closed
 OCP 2/2021  01 May 2021  15 April 2022 Closed
 OCP 3/2021  01 July 2021  15 June 2022 Closed
 OCP 4/2021  01 November 2021  15 November 2022 Open
 OCP 5/2022  01 March 2022  15 March 2023 Closed
 OCP 6/2022  15 September 2022  15 September 2023 Open

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8. Contact Us:


9. Book your seat on the OCP:

To enrol for the OCP, please click on the link below and complete the enrolment form.

Enrol for the OCP



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Definitions and Acronyms


Definitions and Acronyms

 OVN 0.2.

  1. Authority of this policy.

  2. Category of orgtology practitioners.

  3. Criteria to qualify as an orgtology practitioner.

  4. Exemption from listed criteria for orgtology practitioners.

  5. Practitioner Benefits.

  6. Continuous Professional Development


1. Authority of this policy.

  • The goal of this policy is to accredit people to practice in the field of orgtology.

  • To reach this goal, we aim to follow through on the four targets below:

    • We define the category of Orgtology practitioners for which members can apply.

    • We define the benefits that accredited practitioners can claim.
    • We define the process of accreditation.

    • We set the rules for continuous professional development(CPD).


2. Category of orgtology practitioners.

  • The IOI has two distinct practitioner categories, namely:

    • Orgtologist, and

    • Orgtology Specialist.

  • The entry requirement for an Orgtologist is a recognised master’s degree from a university of good repute; and

  • The entry requirement for an Orgtology Specialist is a bachelor’s degree from a university of good repute.

  • The reason that the IOI distinguishes between the two, is twofold:

    • The field of orgtology is research intensive, and the IOI will mostly rely on Orgtologists to contribute to this research.

    • The IOI gives acknowledgement to the advanced academic achievement that members with master’s degrees have.

  • Orgtologists and Orgtology Specialists will undergo the same training and can do the same work, therefore the distinction is only in title and in the IOI’s belief of the enhanced research ability of an Orgtologist.

  • Where the IOI refers to an orgtology practitioner, it includes both, Orgtologists and Orgtology Specialists.

  • It is important to note that a registered user on this site is not an orgtology practitioner. Any person can register as a site user. We regulate the use of this site via our “Registered Site Users” policy.


3. Criteria to qualify as an orgtology practitioner.

  • The IOI will accredit a practitioner if ze:

    • Complies with the academic entry requirements;

    • Has completed the Introductory Course on Orgtology;

    • Has done training in at least one specialist field of orgtology; and

    • Has proven 50-hours of practical experience in the specialist field for which ze applies.


4. Exemption from listed criteria for orgtology practitioners.

  • The IOI can exempt an applicant from one or more criteria points if:

    • It will directly benefit the IOI by doing so;

    • The applicant has proven hir ability in orgtology, but does not have an academic qualification; and

    • It is in the interest of the IOI do so.

  • Where the IOI gives exemption, we will do so in writing, with reference to the following points:

    • Reason for the exemption;

    • The extent of the exemption;

    • Conditions for the exemption; and

    • Review of the exemption.

  • The IOI Board of Directors must approve any exemption to a member.


5. Practitioner Benefits.

  • Orgtology practitioners can claim the following benefits from the IOI:

    • Use of the title “Orgtologist” or “Orgtology Specialist”, depending on the category of registration;

    • Benefit from the value of a practitioner designation within the business community at large;

    • Public listing on the IOI website with a self-managed portfolio.

    • Use of official orgtology trademarks to perform their work, or to do research;

    • Deliver orgtology products and services within their own organisations or to client organisations. The IOI will limit such services to the specialist field for which they have registered a practitioner. Services may include: presenting of training workshops and seminars; team development interventions; mentorship; coaching; and consulting services.

    • Get discount on orgtology events.

    •  Networking opportunities with role players in the field of orgtology.

    • Advice on ethical and technical issues;


6. Continuous Professional Development.

  • To ensure that orgtology practitioners continually update their professional knowledge and skills for the end benefit of the organisations and clients that they work in and / or with, the IOI has a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programme.

  • The IOI will manage a CPD programme in which orgtology practitioners must participate to maintain their professional status.

  • To maintain hir registration, an orgtology practitioner must, during every 12-month period:

    • Prove 50-hours of practical experience in each field of specialist registration;

    • Mentor at least one orgtology student in hir research project; and

    • Accumulate 25 CPD points.

  • Where a practitioner has registered for more than on specialist field, and uses these fields in combination, ze will have to prove 50-hours of practical experience in such combination.

  • We give a list of CPD Credits in Annexure B of this policy statement.

  • Where a practitioner fails to submit the required CPD points, ze will be given six months to comply. If the practitioner fails to comply after the 6-month period, the IOI will consider appropriate action, which could include the stripping of hir practitioner status.

  • CPD points are transferable, which means that ze can carry over the points that ze has not used, to the next year.


Annexure A – Procedure 2-1: Accreditation as a Orgtology Practitioner.

  1. The prospective practitioner applies for the introductory course or for a specialist course. All first applications will be for an introductory course and will therefore have to submit more information and supporting documentation than with subsequent registrations. The applicant will do so online.

  2. Where an applicant adheres to all the requirements as set out in this policy statement, the IOI will automatically register hir for the field for which ze qualifies. The prospective practitioner will not need to apply for this.

  3. The IOI will also automatically list the applicant on its webpage as a registered practitioner.

  4. The practitioner can then update hir online profile and will have the power to decide what information the public sees and what not.

  5. After registration, the practitioner must maintain the CPD conditions of registration as specified in this policy statement.

  6. On receipt of annual membership fees, the IOI will automatically renew a registration, provided that the practitioner meets hir CPD conditions.


Annexure B: CPD Table of Credits.


CPD Points:

Publishing of a blog article on the IOI website

10 points per blog article

Publishing of an academic article

50 points per article

Moderation of a blog article for the IOI website

10 points per blog article

Completion of a second (or more) speciality courses in orgtology

30 points per course

Doing of orgtology training outside the IOI*

5 points for each training day

Reach “Top 10” on the Orgtology Club “Leader Board”*

5 points


*Please take note of the following:

  • Where a practitioner claims CPD points for training outside the IOI, such training must adhere to the following:

    • The training programme must be certified by the IOI;

    • The provider who sold the training must be endorsed with the IOI; and

    • The practitioner who presented the training must be accredited with the IOI.

  • A practitioner will only receive 5 points every six months for reaching the top 10 club leader board. To get the points a practitioner must stay on the board for at least 7-days.

  • Once the provider has received the certification number, they may use the IOI logo on their marketing material for that product or service. They may also mention that the IOI certifies that product or service.


Following are the acronyms & symbols that we use in Orgtology.

#   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z


 5V   Five vision statement model  (model)
 Ψ   Masculine Attributes of the MLD model   (symbol)
 Ω  External Environment  (symbol)



Following are the acronyms & symbols that we use in Orgtology.

#   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z


 5V   Five vision statement model  (model)
 Ψ   Masculine Attributes of the MLD model   (symbol)
 Ω  External Environment  (symbol)


 A   Primary driver of the MLD model   (symbol) 
 Ab  Anxiety-based Focus  (acronym)



 Feminine attributes of the MLD model   (symbol) 



 CEO  Chief Executive Officer   (acronym)
 CoP  Consciousness of Purpose  (acronym)
 CoI  Consciousness of Intent  (acronym) 
 CRM   Customer Relationship Management  (CRM)
 CVP  Customer Value Proposition  (CVP)



 E   Energy (resources - people, money, and assets)   (symbol) 
 EOP   (risk) Exposure, Opportunities, and Process (efficiency)   (acronym)
 eP  External Process  (prefix to number) 
 eT  External Task  (prefix to number)



 FOE   Force of Entropy   (acronym) 



 HR   Human Resources   (acronym) 



 Ie  Explicit Intelligence   (symbol)
 Ii  Implicit Intelligence  (symbol)
 It  Tacit Intellect  (symbol)
 IOI   International Orgtology Institute   (acronym)
 iP  Internal Process  (prefix to number)
 IQ  Intelligence Quotient  (acronym)
 iS  Internal System  (prefix to number)
 iT   Internal Task  (prefix to number) 
IT   Information Technology  (acronym)



 MD Managing Director   (acronym) 
 MLD   Management Leadership Duality (model)   (acronym)



 OD   Organisational Development   (acronym) 
 OM   Office Manager  (acronym)
 OPPB   Orgamatics Process or Project Brief  (acronym)
 OPPI    Organamics Personality Preference Indicator   (acronym)
 Org    Organisation  (acronym)
 OSA  Organisational Structure Analysis  (acronym)
 oP  Outsourced Process  (prefix to number)
 oT   Outsourced Task  (prefix to number) 


 P   Purpose   (symbol) 
 PERT   Programme Evaluation and Review Technique  (acronym) 
 PESTLE   Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal, and Environmental   (acronym)
 PF   Process Functionality  (Prefix to number) 
 Pi  Internal Project Number  (prefix to number)


 R3   Change model with three options: Repair; Reframe; and Reshape   (acronym) 
 R4  Work model taken from R3 with four options: Redo; Repair; Reframe; and Reshape   (acronym)
 Pb  Passion-based Focus  (acronym)
 RbF  Relaxation-based Focus  (acronym)
 ROI  Return on Investment  (acronym)
 RPI  The Relevant Performing Individual  (acronym)
 RPO   Relevant Performing Organisation  (acronym)


SCM   Supply Chain Management   (acronym) 
 siP  Shared Internal Process  (prefix to number) 
 SWOT   Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats  (acronym)


 T   Intent   (symbol) 
 TEI   the sum of Intent, Energy, and Intelligence  (symbol)
 TEIP    the sum of Intent, Energy, Intelligence, and Purpose   (symbol)
 TbF  Task-based Focus  (acronym) 


 V1  Ultimate vision  (acronym)
 V2  15-Year vision  (acronym)
 V3  10-Year vision  (acronym)
 V4   Vision for the strategic period   (acronym) 
 V5   12-Month vision statement   (acronym)


  1.   13 March 2018
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