Strategy development is a focus during the training of an Orgtologist because it deals with how we change and transform the organisation. In organisational design, we work with running the organisation.

We have clustered the material below into fundmental concepts, creating the strategy, and implementation.

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Category: Articles / Essays:  Author:

The Fundamentals

What is strategy?

Defining the organisation and creating its identity.

Doing a DOEP analysis (people Dynamics, Opportunities, risk Exposure, and Process efficiency).

Assessing and optimising operational efficiency.

Derek Hendrikz

Creating the Strategy

The art of thinking strategically.

How to create vision through the 5V Model.

Defining strategic effectiveness –strategic choice and objectives.

Derek Hendrikz


Work break-down structure for strategic programmes.

Calculating the cost of strategy.

Strategic risk assessment and appetite.

Writing the strategy document.

Measure and monitor strategy.

Implement a strategy.

IOI quality standards for strategy development.

Derek Hendrikz

Essays by students relating to strategy development