In organisational design we study and apply the construct of organisation.

This means that we study the processes, systems, strategies, and relationships of Org.

The aim is to apply the constructs that Org needs to thrive and survive within one integrated construct.

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Category:  Articles / Essays: Author:

 Intorduction to Organisational Design

The art of organisational design.

What is an organisation?

The consciousness of an organisation – what are we creating?

Derek Hendrikz

 Understanding the Process Construct

What is a process construct?

How to engineer a process construct.

Six steps to creating process flow for a process construct.

The difference between a target, an output, and an outcome.

Creating efficiency through output targets.
Derek Hendrikz

Understanding the Project Construct

What is a project construct?

How to engineer a project construct.

Measuring effectiveness.
Derek Hendrikz

Understanding the Relationship Construct

What is a relationship construct?

Assessing the viability of relationships.
Derek Hendrikz

Practical Application

Developing an organisational organigram.

IOI quality Standards for organisational design.

The effect of culture on organisational design.
Derek Hendrikz

Student Essays on Organisational Design