IOI Council

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IOI Council

The IOI Council is the governing body of the International Orgtology Institute (IOI). Derek Hendrikz established the Council shortly after he registered the IOI as a non-profit organisation. It performs the exact functions of a Board of Directors. The Council’s specific rules of compilation makes it unique. It has nine members, and they are chosen as follows:

  • A Chairperson who is an independent and non-executive director. The chairperson must have a strong legal background and will only serve for three-years. The chairperson does not vote in meetings and must mediate resolution where votes lead to a tie.
  • The four most longstanding Orgtologists, as registered by the IOI, hold implied seats on the council. They have the strongest voice within the council, and their period of membership is indefinite.
  • The permanently appointed CEO and CFO of the IOI. These are the two executive directors of the council. They have full voting rights and their term is as long as their appointment in those positions.
  • The CEO of the most longstanding orgtology service provider. The term of this member will be for as long as the company stays a registered service provider to the IOI.
  • The CEO, manager, or owner of the most longstanding Orgtologist agency. The term of this member will be for as long as the company stays a registered service provider to the IOI.


Author - Derek Hendrikz Consulting
Hits - 1214