Term | Definition |
Innovate | The origin or beginning of something new epitomizes the concept of innovation. If you were a mad scientist busy making “innovation”, then six parts of “creativity” and three parts of “judgment” would be the ingredients to your formula. The purpose of innovation is to improve or renew. Innovation is the result of the interaction between creativity and judgment. A group of managers will come together to brainstorm creative ways of dealing with a specific issue. Once they have introduced enough creative ideas, a process of judgment (do we have the authority, money, etc.) will take place to find the most suitable proposal. In metaphorical terms, if creativity were thousands of male sperm cells and a female’s egg cell is the judgment, then the conceived child will be an innovative product. The ‘nine months of pregnancy’ is often forgotten when organizations innovate. For innovation to manifest, it needs an incubation period, and for innovation to survive it needs to be contained within organizational processes.
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Innovative; Innovation |