Absolute Priority Weight

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Absolute Priority Weight

We use an absolute priority weight (APW) to work with the efficiency of activity. In orgamatics, Org has several systems. Each system holds several processes. In this process hierarchy, each process has a purpose, which we measure through targets. An absolute priority weight is the rank of a target within the entire organisation, measured as a weight. E.g., if Org has the sum of 67 targets, who collectively has a weight of 500 points, and a target of a process has the weight of “.30”, then we can find its APW by dividing it by 500. This will reduce the weight of such target to 6%. Its absolute priority weight is then “.06”, and this will show its rank within Org. Org thus becomes its priority hub. Other weights that relate to the absolute priority weight, are group priority weight (GPW) and priority weight (PW).


Author - Derek Hendrikz
Hits - 1201
Synonyms: APW