Orgamatics Systems

This forum relates to questions and answers on the study of organizational systematics. In other words, it relates to Orgamatics. Here you can ask and answer questions on the relevant and performing organization (RPO); process engineering; the process construct; organizational structure and design; risk management; strategy development and implementation; performance management; etc...

Subcategories (4)

The Relevant and Performing Organisation (RPO)

How mature is your organization to be Relevant and Performing? This forum asks and answers questions that relate the Relevant and Performing Organization (RPO).


The Resource System

This forum relates to questions and answers that relate to the resource systems, the process construct, systems, process families, and process development.


The Orgtelligence System

This forum relates to questions and answers about the development and implementation of organizational strategy.


The Relationship System

This forum relates to questions and answers about the design of an organizational structure.

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