Cost Weight

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Cost Weight

A cost weight is the slice of budget that an activity, task,C, project, system, process, or a relationship dynamic will take. In Org, all activities happen in some form of a dependency sequence. This creates a flow that brings about a system; process; programme; project, or relationship dynamic. In orgamatics, the cost weight is the individual cost of these items as measured against a cost hub. E.g., if an activity consumes 59% of a process, then we will give a cost weighting of “.59”. This weight is therefore a ratio where we measure the cost of an activity (item cost) against the cost of a process (cost hub). We always calculate a cost weight within a cost hub. Other weights that relate to the cost weight are Absolute Cost Weight and Group Cost Weight.


Author - Derek Hendrikz
Hits - 1603
Synonyms: CW