Risk Identification Model

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Risk Identification Model

An orgamatics risk identification model (ORIM) is a unique way of identifying the risks of Org. It is different to other risk identification models in that Orgtologists also probe the critical success factors to efficiency and effectiveness. Mostly risk managers just name the inherent risks to something. In ORIM, we find risks by identifying three categories of threats to an event, activity, environment, subject, or object. The questions we ask are:

  1. Which risks are inherent to this event, activity, environment, subject, or object?
  2. What are the critical success factors to efficiency (performance) of this event, activity, environment, subject, or object?
  3. What are the critical success factors to effectiveness (relevance) of this event, activity, environment, subject, or object?


Author - Derek Hendrikz
Hits - 1187
Synonyms: ORIM