
Orgtologist Certification Program (OCP)
The task of an executive team is to ensure performance and secure relevance. That is the bulk of their work. The word “orgtology” joins “organisation” with the Greek word “logy”. The science of organisation. It is a holistic way that helps us to drive relevant performance. This is one thing that business schools often lack to teach. The program is highly suitable for senior managers, directors, and executives.

Consciousness of Intent

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Consciousness of Intent

In 2006 Derek Hendrikz created the concept of Consciousness of Intent (CoI). It is an awareness of the future and an ability to make plans that will realise such future. In orgtology a vision statement and strategy are articulations of CoI. Strategic organisations and organisations who can stay relevant through difficult times has a strong CoI. Also, people who can anticipate and realise a future state has strong CoI.


Author - Derek Hendrikz Consulting
Hits - 1243
Synonyms: CoI