The Orgtology Blog

Welcome to our blog articles on Orgtology, Orgamatics, and Organamics. To post blogs on this site, you must be an Orgtologist or a Orgtology Specialist, or you must be registered on a training programme of the IOI. All blog articles are moderated.

How to develop system and process briefs

In my article "How to engineer a process construct", I explain that the drawing of a process map is less than 40% of the work. To make a process intelligent it needs data as well as time, cost, and priority. I explain TCP Efficiency™ in another blog post. The aim of this post is to work with the collection of data. The data that a process needs are...

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© 2018: CFT Hendrikz

Using the Level Zero model to engineer a process construct

How to engineer a process construct

Does one design or discover a process? To manifest, purpose must become a process. Therefore, there is purpose before process. When we create a process, we explicitly depict a purpose. It is our idea of what Org must do to get outputs. When we design outputs, we facilitate outcomes. In turn, this will help us to redesign our process. One will thus ...

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© 2018: CFT Hendrikz

What is a Process Construct?

Designing an orgtology process construct

There are only two ways to do work. One is repetitive, in other words, doing something that we have done before. The other is non-repetitive, which means doing things that we have never done before. When we cycle work it is a process, and when we complete it, it is a project. Repetitive work maintains things, whilst non-repetitive work changes thin...

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© 2018: CFT Hendrikz

How to become an Orgtologist

How to become an Orgtologist

Masters of their own trade have always intrigued me. People respect those who are experts at what they do. Be it a plumber, professor, businessperson, sports hero, or any other expert. A profession begins a journey of success. For this reason, I pride myself to be an Orgtologist. It gives me recognition and it sanctions what I practice. I flau...

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© 2018: CFT Hendrikz

What is Organamics?

Organamics - a study of workplace dynamics.

Organamics is an orgtology field where we study the effect of people dynamics on organisational functioning. Humans create workplace dynamics. This stimulates growth, development, and change. Organamics studies the effect of that on the performance and relevance of Org. The term blends the words "organisation" and "dynamics". The basic assumption o...

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© 2018: CFT Hendrikz

IOI Quality Standards for Orgamatics Topics

The International Orgtology Institute (IOI) regulates the practice of orgtology. To do so, the IOI must set standards that will create a minimum level of quality for orgtology practitioners. In my blog; "What is Orgamatics?" I explain systematics. It is an area of orgtology where we study the behaviour and movement of organisational systems. The ai...

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© 2018: CFT Hendrikz

What is Orgamatics?

Please Note:This article is replaced with a new version.We are leaving this old version on the site for research purposes.Please click on the link below to access the latest version of this article. What is Orgamatics? Orgamatics is an orgtology field of study where one uses scientific method to create strategy and ensure operational effi...

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© 2018: CFT Hendrikz

The Orgtology Body of Knowledge - OBoK

The Orgtology Body of Knowledge

OBoK stands for Orgtology Body of Knowledge. The OBoK has the task to organise and keep all knowledge in the field of orgtology. It holds all the theories, models, and methods that an Orgtologist will use. In so, we base the practice of orgtology entirely on the OBoK. The study of orgtology has one core hypothesis, which in turn joins eight core th...

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© 2018: CFT Hendrikz

What is Orgtology?

Please Note: This article is replaced with a new version.We are leaving this old version on the site for research purposes.Please click on the link below to access the latest version of "What is Orgtology?" What is Orgtology? The difference between an organisation and a system always fascinated me. In the cycle of life there is no leaders...

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© 2018: CFT Hendrikz